Together with our Partners and clients, we managed to implement the following impacful projects among others


Supported UNHCR operations in North Mali / Gao region and in North - Western Niger in Maradi region through our WASH expertise.

we provided and improved WASH (Water, sanitation and Hygiene) services to persons of concern and we insured that Water, sanitation and Hygiene needs of refugees and the host community are addressed during our mission.

Currently Various sites of refugees and other people of concerns in Mali and Niger have access to clean Water and sanitation facilities, as well as Hygiene practices through DSS water programs


A research project on Security and Safety of Micro-storage structures (small dams) was conducted in Tete region of Mozambique with IHE Delft

The main objective was to contribute on long-term resilience of these structures in order to improve or optimize water availability for local communities,

The results of the study suggested the strategies for improvement for these existing structures and the recommendations were provided to stakeholders and decision makers to ensure that the system is working properly and appropriately maintained in order to improve the water situation and living quality in the region 


Carried out detailed technical studies for water supply, construction projects and implementation supervison of civil Engineering and Hydraulics projects in Rwanda.

The projects enabled different region of southern province of Rwanda to access Clean water and helped to improve youth Education together with UB Consult ltd

Chamber of Commerce number: 77195825