Bnexus has been serving people in need. Through our expertise and passion, we managed to contribute in various projects of Water supply, flood control, water, sanitation and hygiene projects as well as research in developing countries that aimed to improve water situation, youth education, women empowerment and living situation of the communities, refugees and other people of concerns. Our head office is in the Netherlands.

We are driving positif change and focus on delivering  projects that add value for our clients. The use of our innovative and sustainable approach are the main core of our professional service delivery in the fields of Civil Engineering, Hydraulics and WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene). 


Work with clients and partners to serve the vulnerable and to successfully deliver sustainable projects
which contribute to improve people's life without living anyone behind

Leading engineering consultancy company that provides innovative and sustainable water and infrastructures nexus
solutions for humanitarian and development context, in order to make water, sanitation and Hygiene for all a reality.

Respect for the diversity

Bernadette KAWERA Eng. MSc

The founder and Managing Director of Bnexus

The founder is a civil Engineer specialized in Hydraulic Engineering and River Basin Development, Who has a strong international experience in civil Engineering, hydraulic and WASH fields. She initiated the use of innovative technical expertise in engineering, where she supported various humanitarian and development projects mostly in African countries such as Rwanda, Mozambique, Niger and Mali in collaboration with Dutch organizations, UN agencies, NGOs, Government agencies, private sectors and Educational institutions.

Chamber of Commerce number: 77195825